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100% Zufriedensheitsgarantie

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Lieferfrist in 4-5 Arbeitstagen

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Geprüfte Qualität


Spirulina powder Bio 250g bundel

Nature's green treasure
  • 100% organically produced
  • High in protein
  • Source of iron
  • Source of dietary fibre
  • Retains vitality
  • Prevents tiredness
  • Helps regulate body weight
Netto 500 g | für 60 Tage
21,07 CHF
Normaler Preis: 31,40 CHF
Auf Lager
und Sie sparen 10,33 CHF
100% Rückerstattung Garantie
Gratis Versand über 90 CHF
Lieferfrist in 4-5 Arbeitstagen

Spirulina is a blue-green algae known to be one of the oldest organisms on earth. It is found both in salt and fresh water and fresh water springs.

It is an extremely rich source of protein - 60 to 70%. Proteins contribute to growing muscle mass and keep your bones healthy.

Spirulina maintains an appropriate blood sugar level and thus helps maintain body weight. It contains a large amount of iron, which plays a role in the operating of the immune system and reduces tiredness and fatigue.


Organically produced spirulina is a blue-green algae known to be an extremely rich source of protein – 60 to 70%. Proteins contribute to growing muscle mass and keep your bones healthy. It contains a large amount of chlorophyll and iron, which plays a role in the operating of the immune system and reduces tiredness and fatigue.


I often drink spirulina in the morning so I detoxify more intensively throughout the day.


I add this algae to my orange juice so it tastes better. My digestion has improved significantly since using it.


Spirulina is a green algae that contains a lot of chlorophyll and has so many benefits for the body.


Spirulina powder Bio 250g bundel

Nature's green wealth

  • 100% organically produced
  • High in protein
  • Source of iron
  • Source of dietary fibre
  • Maintains vitality
  • Prevents fatigue
  • Helps regulate body weight

Häufig gestellte Fragen unserer Nutzer:

How and why does it work?

Spirulina is rich in protein and contains a large amount of chlorophyll and iron, which plays a role in the operating of the immune system and reduces tiredness and fatigue.

Who is it suitable for?

Spirulina is especially popular with athletes, people who don't consume animal protein and the ones who detox.

What are the ingredients?

Spirulina powder.

What does it taste like?

Spirulina has a strong green flavour. Mix it with orange juice or lemon water.

How long does the package take to arrive?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and send it out for delivery too. Our packages are on average delivered in 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! If the product does not satisfy your needs 100%, you will receive a refund in 14 days.


Spirulina powder Bio 250g bundel

Nature's green treasure
  • 100% organically produced
  • High in protein
  • Source of iron
  • Source of dietary fibre
  • Retains vitality
  • Prevents tiredness
  • Helps regulate body weight
Netto 500 g | für 60 Tage
Normaler Preis: 31,40 CHF
21,07 CHF
und Sie sparen 10,33 CHF
100 % sicherer Kauf mit Rückgabeoption ohne weitere Fragen.
  • Verwendung


  • Nährwert

  • Meinungen von Käufern (0)

  • Verwendung

    The recommended daily intake is 3 – 10g (1-3 teaspoons). Add to fruit and vegetable juice.


    Lebensmittel sind kein Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung.

    Aufgrund natürlicher Unterschiede in den Eigenschaften der aktiven Inhaltsstoffe kann sich die Farbe, der Geschmack und der Geruch des Produkts von Charge zu Charge leicht unterscheiden. Diese Veränderungen beeinträchtigen nicht die allgemeine Qualität und Wirksamkeit des Produkts.


    Spirulina powder Bio 250g – Nahrungsergänzungsmittel.

    Ingredients: Spirulina (Arthrospira sp) powder* (100%). *Organic

  • Nährwert

    pro 100 g
    Energiegehalt325 kcal / 1316 kJ
    Fett3,6 g
    davon gesättigte Fettsäuren0 g
    Kohlenhydrate71,4 g
    davon Zucker32 g
    Ballaststoffe7 g
    Eiweiß14,3 g
    Salz< 0,1 g
    Vitamine und Mineralien
    Kalium2000 mg
    Eisen5 mg

    * NRV = prehranska referenčna vrednost

  • Meinungen von Käufern (0)

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